Monday, January 02, 2006

Rich Media, what is that anyway?

This blog will explore the area of rich media. So what is that anyway? Surprisingly, there isn't a prevalent definition of the term.

Ian Schafer has described rich media as, "digital advertising that deviates from 'standard' display advertising in that it is interactive, engaging, or informational or it breaks free of basic, accepted IAB-determined online standards, often taking advantage of broadband connectivity." But Wikipedia doesn't offer much on the subject.

Wikipedia definition
ClickZ article

Meanwhile, "" provides this (somewhat dated) definition: "Rich media is an Internet advertising term for a Web page ad that uses advanced technology such as streaming video, downloaded applets (programs) that interact instantly with the user, and ads that change when the user's mouse passes over it." definition

So, finally I tried "define:Rich Media" and found a bunch of definitions.
Definitions from popular search engine crafted by college drop-outs

Well, it's certainly a start, I'll keep searching!


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