Tuesday, January 31, 2006
We launched "MSN MediaCast" in early January and we have just been nominated to our first award, namely the Creative Prize @ the Danish Internet Awards. The podcast was develop by myself (Martin Schultz) and Christian Strand and Henrik Busch from IUM Interactive. Cross your fingers, please! :-)
Friday, January 20, 2006
Danish Internet Awards Blog
I have contributed with a small article/rant (in Danish) about information overkill and possibilities for rich media at as a guest blogger the DIA 06 blog.

Monday, January 09, 2006
MSN MediaCast - Launched in Denmark

Together with the cool dudes from IUM Interactive, Christian Strand & Henrik Busch, and along with MSN's own information services manager, Kasper Tøstesen, I just launched MSN MediaCast - bringing stories and interesting guests from the interactive and consumer electronics-sphere to podcasting. Listen up (please) :-)
MSN MediaCast RSS, MP3 and WMA (in Danish)
Are you serious about Podcasting? Then you should consider to contact my company, Plant, since we are an active partner and consultant to MSN MediaCast - and very keen on taking the podcating/videocast medium to new levels. Don't worry, we're nice people! :-)
Experience is the key for new Honda Civic
"Honda will launch its new Civic with an extensive digital marketing campaign and will make the TV ad for the motor available as a videocast.
John Goodbody, web manager at Honda, said: "By engaging in videocasting, Honda is not only strengthening its commitment to reach new markets, it's extending the reach of the Honda Civic marketing campaign. It is enabling people to experience what a Honda feels like from one of their most personal and closest touch points -- their iPod.""
Campaign is live from January 13th.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Media Snacks
"Broadband adoption is growing at a phenomenal rate internationally and this increased usage will drive pricing down and make it even more affordable and accepted. This increased usage of high speed internet will be the driving force behind the significant rise in rich media advertising across the internet. 2006 will see the renaissance of animation, audio and interactive advertising (including video). Rich media advertising is nothing new, but the increased broadband acceptance will make it more accessible for the average Joe. Accordingly, display and sponsored advertising will gain a higher share of the marketing budget, drawing funds away from traditional advertising such as TV and print media."
Ineedhits blog
"A growing proportion of new advertising revenue will come from rich media as major advertisers adapt already existing advertising to online media."
Promo Blog
"A new white paper by eMarketer Rich Media: At the Tipping Point expects revenues from rich media advertising to reach $2.2 billion by 2008 (in the United States)." The report is sponsored by Advertising.com and can be downloaded for free (opens PDF).
Ineedhits blog
"A growing proportion of new advertising revenue will come from rich media as major advertisers adapt already existing advertising to online media."
Promo Blog
"A new white paper by eMarketer Rich Media: At the Tipping Point expects revenues from rich media advertising to reach $2.2 billion by 2008 (in the United States)." The report is sponsored by Advertising.com and can be downloaded for free (opens PDF).
Rich Media, what is that anyway?
This blog will explore the area of rich media. So what is that anyway? Surprisingly, there isn't a prevalent definition of the term.
Ian Schafer has described rich media as, "digital advertising that deviates from 'standard' display advertising in that it is interactive, engaging, or informational or it breaks free of basic, accepted IAB-determined online standards, often taking advantage of broadband connectivity." But Wikipedia doesn't offer much on the subject.
Wikipedia definition
ClickZ article
Meanwhile, "Whatis.com" provides this (somewhat dated) definition: "Rich media is an Internet advertising term for a Web page ad that uses advanced technology such as streaming video, downloaded applets (programs) that interact instantly with the user, and ads that change when the user's mouse passes over it."
WhatIs.com definition
So, finally I tried "define:Rich Media" and found a bunch of definitions.
Definitions from popular search engine crafted by college drop-outs
Well, it's certainly a start, I'll keep searching!
Ian Schafer has described rich media as, "digital advertising that deviates from 'standard' display advertising in that it is interactive, engaging, or informational or it breaks free of basic, accepted IAB-determined online standards, often taking advantage of broadband connectivity." But Wikipedia doesn't offer much on the subject.
Wikipedia definition
ClickZ article
Meanwhile, "Whatis.com" provides this (somewhat dated) definition: "Rich media is an Internet advertising term for a Web page ad that uses advanced technology such as streaming video, downloaded applets (programs) that interact instantly with the user, and ads that change when the user's mouse passes over it."
WhatIs.com definition
So, finally I tried "define:Rich Media" and found a bunch of definitions.
Definitions from popular search engine crafted by college drop-outs
Well, it's certainly a start, I'll keep searching!